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Census Data and Village Surveys
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Assam Census Data Import Setup
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2007-02-02 04:06:24
GVEP > Demos and Tasks
Assam census data is imported into Pantoto by creating a special table for it. It has 141 fields for various census realted data. A search panel is provided to easily build simple queries. Assam Census data can be filtered / searched based on various parameters like no of households , total electrification etc(34 parameters) and the villages matching the results are showed in two views, map and normal. 1. In the map view, the matching villages matching the search are pointed out on a INDIA map , which can be zoomed to various depths. 2. In the normal view, the matching villages are shown in tabular way with the entire census data for each village. A searchpanel consisting of 34 fields is provided to perform the above search.
Task Description
Importing Assam census data and creating a way to browse the data. A sampling of teh data is considered.
1. Search component
The search component consists of a searchpanel with 34 columns of census data on which the search needs to be performed. The panel has name, textarea and a checkbox for each column. Search can be performed across multiple columns by checking the required checkboxes and providing values against required columns.
Technical Details
The search is a normal database search using hibernate. Hibernate's Criteria object and HQL (Hibernate Query Language) are used for search in different contexts.
2. Map component
The map component enables us to visually see the villages(locations) matching the search on the map. User can see the mapcomponent when he switches to map view (Show search results on Map Link) on the search screen.
The map can be zoomed across various depths and each village(location) is pointed out using a 'baloon' shaped marker on clicking which the village name is shown.
User can spatially bookmark a location using "location picker" . This "location picker" allows to automatically fill in latitude and longitude values on selection a location on the map. Using this "location picker" we can create locations in PANTOTO which can be used in different contexts.
Technical Details
Google Map API is used for this feature. The Google Map JavaScript API lets you embed Google Maps in your web pages.
Mapunity ( http://mapunity.org/ ) provides the custom maps required to point out the locations and have contributed source code for various other functionalities provided on the map.
Procedure to search (To try demo
Click here
.. )
1. Click on the "Census" menu in the main page of the GVEP site (http://gvep.servelots.com), it will show all the detail's of the records that are avalible in the census, that is imported into the database. If the user scrolls down to the bottom of the page, user will find the "Search panel".
* Filtering
* The results can be filtered by entering the values over which the filtering of the data is desired. For example, V_CT_CODE (VILLAGE CODE) = 300 it will fetch all the records which have VILLAGE CODE to as 300. One can filter on more than one field as the same time. For example, BLOCK_CODE (C.D. BLOCK CODE) = 0001, V_CT_CODE (VILLAGE CODE) = 400, T_HH (Number of Households) = 500 will fetch all the records which match all these conditions. Selection of fields
* The fields to be reported on is selected by checking all the fields of interest for the report. For example, BLOCK_CODE (C.D. BLOCK CODE) = 0001, V_CT_CODE (VILLAGE CODE) checked, T_HH (Number of Households) checked, will result in reporting the VILLAGE CODE and Number of Households for which the C.D. BLOCK CODE is 0001. Sorting
* The results are sorted according to the serial number. TODO: Sorting based on columns/fields and/or sort-order of fields (Example: Sort Districts and Villages per District) Range
Only equals. TODO. A prefix of >= or a range specification of "to". (For example data can be filtered for Area range: Area >= 300, Area = 300 to 600)
2. The results are shown in tabular format with all the census columns in the search results . Click on the link 'Show results in Map' to see the villages matching the search to be shown on the map.
3. Click on each ballon shaped marker on the map to see the village name and other details
To try location picker click here...
Future work (TODO)
Search component
1. Range of search now assumes only equals. A prefix of >= or a range specification of "to". (For example data can be filtered for Area range: Area >= 300, Area = 300 to 600) has to be built
2. The search is based on AND (Match All) condition across multiple fields . To be changed to taken even the OR(Match Any) condition.
3. To provide descriptive column names on the searchpanel
Map component
1. Right now only the village name is shown when clicked on the each marked location in the map. Later to display various analytics for each village.
2. Instead of giving a separate link to see the results on map , the search will be made to yield the map view directly.
1. Considering using db4objects (www.db4o.com) , Object oriented database for the census data.
2. Providing more features (analytics etc) required specifically for GVEP by working closely with mapunity in providing them.
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