The solution to the Problem would be through the support services for GIS and Knowledge Management to be developed by the project from GVEP GAPfund to overcome the resource constraint of AEDA / MNES program and increase the awareness of the ICT tools that can effectively address the problem with a long term perspective.
The above problem is also addressed the capacity building efforts and knowledge management tools for RVEPs and GVEP Partners' by the collaborative team of SSAEL and JANASTU. SSAEL and JANASTU's experience covers Renewable Energy, Energy Services, Environment, Anthropology, Biology and Forest Management, Communication Design, Training, e-learning, GIS mapping, web based Knowledge Management tools, open source technologies.
It is important to engage the rural village communities in the process of remote village electrification to determine how their energy needs are met and renewable energy technologies identified are relevant for their present and future needs. The public agencies and the private agencies involved in the energy planning and provision of energy services are the other stakeholders in the community. It is important to define community and how the process of building a successful community.
Community is a group of people who share a common concern, a set of problems or interest in a topic, and who come together to fulfil both individual and group goals.Communities often focus on sharing best practices and creating new knowledge to advance a domain of professional practice. The process of building a community consists of the following tasks.
Connect people together
Provide a shared context
Enable dialogue
Introduce collaborative processes
Stimulate learning
Sustain the interaction
- Capture and diffuse new knowledge
Resource gathering and mapping is an effective way to communicate the issues of a community especially in remote villages. Accessibility of such a resource maps to the policy makers and multiple developmental agencies of the government will enable the planning process and make it simple for the implementing agencies to report on their projects to both the government and to the communities involved.